Happy Trails
First of all, we had one of the best volunteer crews ever this past weekend and we kicked butt as we cleaned shelters, raked yards, put things away, finished projects, raked some more, nailed up siding, put up fencing, organized the office, cut of the tops of uneven fence posts, picked up debris, hauled away aluminum cans, and tons more! We are on the road to looking mahvelous! You guys ROCK!!! Thanks to everyone who was at the sanctuary this weekend helping out!
Happy Trails most needed wish list:
- Paint rollers and handles (and replacement rollers)
- Paint brushes
- Paint trays and tray liners
- Mulch
- Pretty spring flowers for near the office or in hanging pots
Ebay experience? We need some folks familiar with listing things to sell on eBay to help us list items which had not sold at the Art Barn fundraiser. The items are everything from antique glass vases to books to jewelry to paintings to photography and everything in between. If you can help out, please let me know – email me at annette@happytrailsfarm.org.
Special fencing project: Your mission, if you should choose to accept it..I am about to embark on a journey….a dangerous mission, one of excitement, leading into the unknown….one that takes us into the area of the big 1,000 lb. farm pigs where we will be replacing and moving their fencing! This is my own personal, special project, and I am seeking brave, strong, courageous individuals who laugh in the face of hard work and mud….. The end result will be larger and safer areas for all the farm pigs in general – the fencing will affect every group of farm pigs that we have. I am in the process organizing our band of soldiers to win the war against the dangerous metal stakes. We’ll probably start this project in the next week or two. To join this hearty crew, email me and let me know you want to help!
Small projects needing a friend: Here are a few projects that need a volunteer to call their own. Consider taking on just one of these projects on a regular basis and commit to being in charge of a small task. If everyone did that, and actually followed through, Happy Trails will be lookin’ good in no time at all and then kept that way consistently! Here goes:
- Taking the pile of alluminum cans that are collected each week around the corner to the recycle plant and turn them in for money for the sanctuary. — Tom Horvath has just committed to this – go Tom!
- The fire extinguishers need updated – we don’t have the funds to pay for this at this time. Would anyone know someone willing to update the extinguishers that are in each shelter? I think we have about 9 or 10 of them. _______
- Mowing the yard behind the office — _______________ (yes, we have a riding lawn mower)
- Mowing the yard around the Happy Trails house on the property (takes maybe 10 minutes) ______________
- Weed eating….everywhere….____________________
- Raking the center yard (where the mini horses and the pot belly pigs roam) at least once a week so that we are clean and respectful neighbors _________________
- Taking care of the immediate area next to the front of the office and around the side by the driveway (planting flowers, making it look pretty) ____________
- Raking and cleaning up the front horse paddock that is located next to the street ___________________
- Choose one shelter to clean out (inside the barns) each week – (you pick the time and day) – but please make absolutely certain that you want to be in this committed relationship because we will rely on you and completely trust you to complete the task you choose! J
- • Log cabin
- • Jolie’s small brown house
- • Piggerton Estates
- • Old Pot Belly Pig Barn
- • Goat and Sheep Barn
- • 4 pink farm pigs shelter
- • Baby pigs shelter
- • Front Poultry Barn
Other volunteer opportunities:
• “HORSE CAVES” (horse stall sponsorships):
Volunteers are need to help with marketing! Help us promote the sponsorships of the horse stalls. We can provide you with all the information and a list of who to contact. If you enjoy helping us raise money, this is really a fantastic program.
We need to forward our incoming calls to people who can answer our phones on a regular basis. You can do this through your cell phone. Emergency calls come in at all hours, so we especially need people to answer calls in the evenings and on weekends. You’ll be trained in how to handle the calls. If you could sign up for an evening shift or a day during the week let us know. We also need a person in charge of actually forwarding the calls for the different shifts – something that can be done through your computer.
This past weekend we had so much fun at Happy Trails – relaxing, visiting, petting the animals, eating lunch, and oh ya – working! I’ll be there on both Saturday and Sunday this coming weekend again, and hope you’ll consider joining me! We’ll have yet a new list of chores to accomplish and we’ll do some fun stuff in between. Rumor has it that there might even be some Akron Aeros tickets given away at random compliments of Marie! RSVP and email me if you can make it and let me know what times you can help out. We’ll be there starting at 8am both day….but we can be there earlier if you really insist! ;)
Thanks to everyone for your hard work and dedication – our volunteer program is coming together in a great way for our Summer crew. As I said at the beginning….you guys ROCK!!!!
Happy Trails would also like to remind everyone that tours of the sanctuary are available and are a great way to spend the day, support Happy Trails, educate children, and share compassion. Visit Happy Trails website at http://happytrailsfarm.org/ and click on "events" for the 2013 tour schedule. It is a truly wonderful experience no animal lover should miss.
Thanks to Annette, her dedicated staff, and all those who support the monumental and successful efforts of Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary.