March Against Monsanto
Over Memorial Day weekend, hacker collective group Anonymous organized a worldwide Occupy Monsanto march to bring attention to the supposed corrupt practices and harmful GMO products the corporate giant supports. According to Anonymous' website, the protest was designed for “empowering citizens of the world to take action against Monsanto & its enablers like the FDA, USDA, EPA, GMA, BIO, and the processed food companies that use Monsanto's products.” Interestingly, the organizations that were protested are either governmental regulatory agencies or mega-corporations with the ability to lobby support on behalf of their cause. It is suggested that conscientious consumers should seek a federal regulatory and call upon Congress and the FDA to mandate that all foods containing GMOs should be labeled.
On Saturday, May 25th at 2:00 p.m. demonstrators marched around the world in protest against Monsanto practices and their supporters.
Cleveland and Akron both had great turnouts of protestors showing their dedication to promoting the protection of consumers and our choices. Thank you to Ms. Julie of Ms. Julie's Kitchen and Bill Dee, among others, for coordinating the well attended event. Thank you to Mary Ann Toy for providing this list (from RealFarmacy) letting us know our senators that voted against GMO labeling. Here, also, is a list of companies to avoid when purchasing products: